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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: p-Adic mass calculations, fermion masses depend only on p-adic prime p through p-adic mass scale proportional to m(CP_2)1/sqrt(p) where m(CP_2) is CP_2 mass fixed by CP_2 "radius", P-ADIC MASS CALCULATIONS assume p-adic length scale hypothesis, the partition func- tion determining the p-adic valued mass squared of particle as thermal expectation value is highly unique since the padic existence for the Boltzmann weights requires integer valued spectrum of conformal weights guaranteed by su- perconformal inva- riance, P-ADIC MASS CALCULATIONS assume (super)conformal invariance, P-ADIC MASS CALCULATIONS have problems with gauge boson masses, P-ADIC MASS CALCULATIONS predict that fermion masses, inspired by the observation that weak, hadronic, and electron's Compton scale might correspond to certain Mer- senne primes and led to a model for particle masses relying on p-adic thermodynamics, (super)conformal invariance implying that the partition func- tion determining the p-adic valued mass squared of particle as thermal expectation value is highly unique since the padic existence for the Boltzmann weights, the partition func- tion determining the p-adic valued mass squared of particle as thermal expectation value is highly unique since the padic existence for the Boltzmann weights fixes p-adic tempera- ture to be inverse integer:T=1/n, with gauge boson masses suggesting an extension of con- formal symmetry and a further gene- ralization to Yangian symmetry, P-ADIC MASS CALCULATIONS assume that mass squared of particle is thermal expectation value in p-adic thermo- dynamics, P-ADIC MASS CALCULATIONS were inspired by the observation that weak, hadronic, and electron's Compton scale might correspond to certain Mer- senne primes, with gauge boson masses solved by including a contri- tion from string ten- sion of string like object assignable to any particle: for gauge bosons this contribution domina- tes since p-adic tem- perature is T=1/2 or smaller, a model for particle masses relying on p-adic thermodynamics with energy replaced with conformal weight defined as eigenvalue of conformal scaling generator L_0, that mass squared of particle is thermal expectation value in p-adic thermo- dynamics and that the p-adic valued mass squared is mapped to real mass squared by canonical identi- fication, fermion masses depend only on p-adic tem- perature, which for fermions is ma- ximal and equals to T=1